39 research outputs found

    Une méthode pour l'évaluation de la qualité des images 3D stéréoscopiques.

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    Dans le contexte d'un intérêt grandissant pour les systèmes stéréoscopiques, mais sans méthodes reproductible pour estimer leur qualité, notre travail propose une contribution à la meilleure compréhension des mécanismes de perception et de jugement humains relatifs au concept multi-dimensionnel de qualité d'image stéréoscopique. Dans cette optique, notre démarche s'est basée sur un certain nombre d'outils : nous avons proposé un cadre adapté afin de structurer le processus d'analyse de la qualité des images stéréoscopiques, nous avons implémenté dans notre laboratoire un système expérimental afin de conduire plusieurs tests, nous avons crée trois bases de données d'images stéréoscopiques contenant des configurations précises et enfin nous avons conduit plusieurs expériences basées sur ces collections d'images. La grande quantité d'information obtenue par l'intermédiaire de ces expérimentations a été utilisée afin de construire un premier modèle mathématique permettant d'expliquer la perception globale de la qualité de la stéréoscopie en fonction des paramètres physiques des images étudiée.In a context of ever-growing interest in stereoscopic systems, but where no standardized algorithmic methods of stereoscopic quality assessment exist, our work stands as a step forward in the understanding of the human perception and judgment mechanisms related to the multidimensional concept of stereoscopic image quality. We used a series of tools in order to perform in-depth investigations in this direction: we proposed an adapted framework to structure the process of stereoscopic quality assessment, we implemented a stereoscopic system in our laboratory for performing various tests, we created three stereoscopic datasets with precise structures, and we performed several experimental studies using these datasets. The numerous experimental data obtained were used in order to propose a first mathematical framework for explaining the overall percept of stereoscopic quality in function of the physical parameters of the stereoscopic images under study.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Anesthetic challenges in patients with ankylosing spondylitis requiring lower limb surgery – A case report and literature review

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    Ankylosing spondylitis is one of the global top health burdens and patients affected by it frequently require surgery related to disease progression, such as orthopedic surgery. These patients may prove difficult to manage from an anesthetic standpoint, regardless of the anesthetic technique employed, mainly given the potential for difficult airway access and related comorbidities. We present the case of a 52-year-old male posted for urgent cemented total hip arthroplasty with associated bilateral pulmonary fibrosis and an anticipated difficult airway in whom regional anesthesia was performed with satisfactory results, with a favorable intraoperative and postoperative course. The literature review explores the anesthetic techniques employed when a tailored approach is required in managing patients with ankylosing spondylitis

    Impact of Lavender Flower Powder as a Flavoring Ingredient on Volatile Composition and Quality Characteristics of Gouda-Type Cheese during Ripening

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    This study aimed to formulate a Gouda-type cheese from cow's milk, flavored with lavender flower powder (0.5 g/L matured milk), ripened for 30 days at 14 °C and 85% relative humidity. Physicochemical, microbiological, and textural characteristics, as well as the volatile composition of the control (CC-cheese without lavender) and lavender cheese (LC), were assessed at 10-day intervals of ripening. Consumers' perception, acceptance, and purchase intention were only evaluated for ripened cheeses. Moisture and carbohydrate contents, the pH, cohesiveness, indexes of springiness and chewiness decreased during ripening in both CC and LC; however, protein, ash, and sodium chloride contents, titratable acidity, hardness, lactobacilli, streptococci, and volatiles increased. Fat and fat in dry matter contents, respectively, the energy value did not vary with ripening time in LC and increased in CC; gumminess decreased in CC and did not change in LC. Lavender flower powder significantly affected the cheese's microbiological and sensory characteristics and volatile composition but did not considerably impact physicochemical and textural ones. Populations of lactobacilli and streptococci were substantially higher in LC compared to CC. The volatile profile of LC was dominated by terpene and terpenoids, and that of CC by haloalkanes. Sensory scores were slightly lower for LC than CC, even if it did not considerably affect consumers' acceptance and purchase intention

    A narrative review of central nervous system involvement in acute leukemias.

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked DownloadAcute leukemias (both myeloid and lymphoblastic) are a group of diseases for which each year more successful therapies are implemented. However, in a subset of cases the overall survival (OS) is still exceptionally low due to the infiltration of leukemic cells in the central nervous system (CNS) and the subsequent formation of brain tumors. The CNS involvement is more common in acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), than in adult acute myeloid leukemia (AML), although the rates for the second case might be underestimated. The main reasons for CNS invasion are related to the expression of specific adhesion molecules (VLA-4, ICAM-1, VCAM, L-selectin, PECAM-1, CD18, LFA-1, CD58, CD44, CXCL12) by a subpopulation of leukemic cells, called "sticky cells" which have the ability to interact and adhere to endothelial cells. Moreover, the microenvironment becomes hypoxic and together with secretion of VEGF-A by ALL or AML cells the permeability of vasculature in the bone marrow increases, coupled with the disruption of blood brain barrier. There is a single subpopulation of leukemia cells, called leukemia stem cells (LSCs) that is able to resist in the new microenvironment due to its high adaptability. The LCSs enter into the arachnoid, migrate, and intensively proliferate in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and consequently infiltrate perivascular spaces and brain parenchyma. Moreover, the CNS is an immune privileged site that also protects leukemic cells from chemotherapy. CD56/NCAM is the most important surface molecule often overexpressed by leukemic stem cells that offers them the ability to infiltrate in the CNS. Although asymptomatic or with unspecific symptoms, CNS leukemia should be assessed in both AML/ALL patients, through a combination of flow cytometry and cytological analysis of CSF. Intrathecal therapy (ITT) is a preventive measure for CNS involvement in AML and ALL, still much research is needed in finding the appropriate target that would dramatically lower CNS involvement in acute leukemia. Keywords: Acute leukemias; central nervous system involvement (CNS involvement); clinical management; pathophysiology.Iuliu Hatieganu University-School of Doctoral Studies (PCD 2019-2021) Romanian Government Ion Chiricuta Oncology Institute Cluj Napoca European Economic Spac

    The objective and subjective quality of 3D images

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    Dans le contexte d'un intérêt grandissant pour les systèmes stéréoscopiques, mais sans méthodes reproductible pour estimer leur qualité, notre travail propose une contribution à la meilleure compréhension des mécanismes de perception et de jugement humains relatifs au concept multi-dimensionnel de qualité d'image stéréoscopique. Dans cette optique, notre démarche s'est basée sur un certain nombre d'outils : nous avons proposé un cadre adapté afin de structurer le processus d'analyse de la qualité des images stéréoscopiques, nous avons implémenté dans notre laboratoire un système expérimental afin de conduire plusieurs tests, nous avons crée trois bases de données d'images stéréoscopiques contenant des configurations précises et enfin nous avons conduit plusieurs expériences basées sur ces collections d'images. La grande quantité d'information obtenue par l'intermédiaire de ces expérimentations a été utilisée afin de construire un premier modèle mathématique permettant d'expliquer la perception globale de la qualité de la stéréoscopie en fonction des paramètres physiques des images étudiée.In a context of ever-growing interest in stereoscopic systems, but where no standardized algorithmic methods of stereoscopic quality assessment exist, our work stands as a step forward in the understanding of the human perception and judgment mechanisms related to the multidimensional concept of stereoscopic image quality. We used a series of tools in order to perform in-depth investigations in this direction: we proposed an adapted framework to structure the process of stereoscopic quality assessment, we implemented a stereoscopic system in our laboratory for performing various tests, we created three stereoscopic datasets with precise structures, and we performed several experimental studies using these datasets. The numerous experimental data obtained were used in order to propose a first mathematical framework for explaining the overall percept of stereoscopic quality in function of the physical parameters of the stereoscopic images under study

    Une méthode pour l'évaluation de la qualité des images 3D stéréoscopiques.

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    In a context of ever-growing interest in stereoscopic systems, but where no standardized algorithmic methods of stereoscopic quality assessment exist, our work stands as a step forward in the understanding of the human perception and judgment mechanisms related to the multidimensional concept of stereoscopic image quality. We used a series of tools in order to perform in-depth investigations in this direction: we proposed an adapted framework to structure the process of stereoscopic quality assessment, we implemented a stereoscopic system in our laboratory for performing various tests, we created three stereoscopic datasets with precise structures, and we performed several experimental studies using these datasets. The numerous experimental data obtained were used in order to propose a first mathematical framework for explaining the overall percept of stereoscopic quality in function of the physical parameters of the stereoscopic images under study.Dans le contexte d'un intérêt grandissant pour les systèmes stéréoscopiques, mais sans méthodes reproductible pour estimer leur qualité, notre travail propose une contribution à la meilleure compréhension des mécanismes de perception et de jugement humains relatifs au concept multi-dimensionnel de qualité d'image stéréoscopique. Dans cette optique, notre démarche s'est basée sur un certain nombre d'outils : nous avons proposé un cadre adapté afin de structurer le processus d'analyse de la qualité des images stéréoscopiques, nous avons implémenté dans notre laboratoire un système expérimental afin de conduire plusieurs tests, nous avons crée trois bases de données d'images stéréoscopiques contenant des configurations précises et enfin nous avons conduit plusieurs expériences basées sur ces collections d'images. La grande quantité d'information obtenue par l'intermédiaire de ces expérimentations a été utilisée afin de construire un premier modèle mathématique permettant d'expliquer la perception globale de la qualité de la stéréoscopie en fonction des paramètres physiques des images étudiée

    Glitazones for human nonalcoholic steatohepatitis

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    The rationale for specific pharmacologic therapy in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is determined by the potential for disease progression and the difficulties, in many patients, of successfully implementing diet and lifestyle changes over the long term. Owing to their ability to correct insulin resistance, insulin-sensitizing agents are attractive candidates for the treatment of NASH. In this review we provide an insight into the mechanism of action, therapeutic efficacy and safety issues regarding the use of glitazones in NASH


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    Deficitul de hormon de creştere este o cauză rară de statură joasă. Recunoaşterea precoce a afecţiunii permite un tratament eficient, ducând la o talie finală cât mai apropiată de talia ţintă genetică. Prezentăm cazul unui copil în vârstă de 1 an şi 2 luni, internat în clinica noastră pentru evaluare staturo-ponderală. Pacienta fusese diagnosticată la vârsta de 1 an cu deficit de hormon de creştere într-o clinică de endocrinologie pediatrică şi a fost îndrumată în clinica noastră pentru completarea investigaţiilor şi excluderea unei patologii structurale hipotalamo-hipofizare. Investigaţiile efectuate au exclus alte cauze de statură joasă. Evaluarea imagistică a evidenţiat hipotrofie adenohipofizară cu tijă hipofizară filiformă. Se îndrumă către clinica de endocrinologie, unde se iniţiază tratament cu hormon de creştere cu evoluţie favorabilă


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    Growth hormone deficiency is a rare cause of low stature. Early recognition of the disease results in effective treatment, leading to a final height as closely as possible to the genetic target. The authors present the case of a 1 year 2 months old girl admitted for growth evaluation in our department. She had been previously diagnosed with isolated growth hormone deficiency in an Endocrinology Unit and was now sent to complete the investigations and undergo imaging studies. The laboratory investigations excluded other pathologies. The MRI showed adenohypophysis hypoplasia, thin hypophyseal stalk. Se is started on growth hormone substitution treatment with good results

    A case of color aberration in a fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra) larva

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    Color aberrations in salamanders are caused by defective chromatophores or by disrupted synthesis of the pigments, and have been previously reported in Europe. In this paper we report the first case of leucism in a fire salamander larva from a cave-dwelling population in Romania. The leucistic larva was larger and heavier compared to the other larvae from the same breeding habitat